TED Explained – Steve Jobs: Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish

Talk Summary: In his famous speech to Stanford University graduates in 2005, Steve Jobs talks about three different stories from his life: Connecting the dots, Love and loss, and Death. English Trackers highlights some of the notable vocabulary Jobs uses in his speech. To view the transcript of Steve » Read More

Adverbs: Why You Shouldn’t Use them Too Often

Adverbs. I’m sure you’re familiar with them from grammar lessons. After learning how to spot nouns, verbs and adjectives, adverbs are normally next on the list: those words, commonly ending in –ly that modify verbs, adjectives and other adverbs. But have you ever thought about how adverbs can be » Read More

On the Job – The Radio Host

We launched this “On the Job” series to find out how people use English in their working lives. We talk to them about jargon in their profession, writing on the job and what advice they’d give to learners of English.   Who do you work for? Mary King: I work for CRI » Read More