British Accents: Tips on Understanding Brits!

The Challenges of Understanding Different Regional Accents It’s often easy for regional accents and dialects to make understanding a new language difficult. From travelling abroad to communicating with people in different countries via e-mail or telephone, understanding new people can be hard for those who aren’t familiar with common » Read More

Spelling Errors – What Cost to Companies?

My daughter’s flight was listed at the top of my account page and next to it was the word ‘Rescheduled’! What? I didn’t get an email or text telling me her flight had been rescheduled! By this time, I’m at work and my daughter is on her way to » Read More

What Do Your Emails Say About You?

The language we use shapes the way that other people see us, so it is important to think carefully about the way that we present ourselves, both in speech and in writing, particularly when we are working on business correspondence. Writing Professional Emails Recognizing the importance of careful editing, » Read More

How to Improve Your English Accent

A New Approach to the Perfect Accent: The Rules of Romancing a Language Want to perfect your English accent? Consider dating it. It may sound silly, but approaching a new foreign language using the same “dating” process you would when meeting a new love interest has proven successful for » Read More